Welcome to the 2022-23 Hockey Season

In the coming weeks, the 2022-23 hockey season will be getting underway. Players across the province will be on the ice for practices, tryouts, evaluations, games, and tournaments. They will be joined by coaches, officials, safety staff, and other volunteers whose hard work ensure that opportunities to play hockey exist across Alberta.

“After a successful season last year, in which players, coaches, and parents were able to come together at the rink once again, we are incredibly excited to get the 2022-23 season underway,” said Rob Litwinski, CEO of Hockey Alberta. “A big thank you to all of our volunteers and staff for their hard work throughout the offseason to get us ready for another year.”

New in 2022-23

U11 Hockey Alberta Development Program

For the 2022-23 hockey season, Hockey Alberta is expanding the U11 AA Pilot Project province wide and renaming it the U11 Hockey Alberta Development Pilot (U11 HADP). The focus of the U11 HADP is to implement amended hosting structures, player movement rules, league scheduling and Coach and Player Development Standards.


Non-Body Checking Implemented at U18 Tiers 4-6

Hockey Alberta’s Minor Leagues Committee, which is comprised of Alberta’s six tiered Minor Hockey Leagues are implementing non-body checking/body contact only hockey at the Tier 4-6 categories of the U18 division for the 2022-23 season.

The decision to extend non-body checking into the U18 division at the Tier 4-6 categories comes after having implemented the same changes two seasons ago at the U15 division prior to the 2020-21 hockey season.

The tiered minor leagues are: Central Alberta Hockey League (CAHL), Northern Alberta Interlock (NAI), North East Alberta Hockey League (NEAHL), All-Peace Hockey League (APHL), Edmonton Federation Hockey League (EFHL), and Hockey Calgary.


Changes for Male AAA and AA Hockey

In collaboration with the Alberta Elite Hockey League (AEHL), the Elite Male Committee and the AA Committee, Hockey Alberta has implemented several changes to AAA and AA male hockey. Changes include:

  • AEHL transitioning U16 AAA to U17 AAA.
  • U16 AA expanding to provincial pilot project.
  • U13 AA structure changes, including new criteria on the minimum number of U13 players in a recruitment area and amending the numbers at which more than one team is required.


Interleague Play

Hockey Alberta and our tiered Minor Hockey Leagues are implementing an Interleague Play Pilot Project for the 2022-23 hockey season.

Interleague Play is a mechanism within Alberta One that will help reduce travel by allowing certain associations to play League games against like-tiered teams from another Minor League. The outcome of this Pilot Project will be to identify the best overall standards required to ensure Interleague play is a viable option across the entire province to reduce travel.


Coach Clinics

Coach clinics for the 2022-23 season are still in the process of being finalized. More information on clinic registration will be released in the coming weeks.

You may still register for the HU – Online Coach 1/Coach 2 course HERE.

The deadline to meet all coach certification requirements is November 15.


Officiating Clinics

Officiating Clinics are now live and accepting registrations. Certification at all levels is available around the province.

Level 1 and 2 Clinics are in-person and Level 3+ Clinics are online.



Respect in Sport

Parents and Coaches/Team Officials are required to complete the Respect in Sport program. Certification in the Respect in Sport program is valid for up to four seasons and is associated with a May 1 expiry date.

The Respect in Sport Program is an online certification program designed to protect our youth as well as enhance Hockey Alberta’s mandate of providing a safe and fun environment for all participants. It is Canada’s leading online bullying, abuse, harassment, and negligence prevention program for parents, coaches, and community leaders. It is offered in two different streams: Respect in Sport Parent and Respect in Sport Activity Leader.


Funding Opportunities

There are a number of opportunities for organizations and individuals to receive financial support for the upcoming hockey season through the Hockey Alberta Foundation, KidSport, Jumpstart, and more.


Para Hockey

Hockey Alberta is hosting a para hockey development weekend at the Gary W. Harris Canada Games Centre in Red Deer on September 10-11. The weekend will kick off with a Player Development Camp on Saturday, designed to accommodate players of all ages and skill levels and feature on-ice skill development and gameplay. Equipment (sledges/ sticks) will be provided for new players. A bonus “drop-in” ice time will be available for those who can make it on Sunday from 9-10 am.


Sunday will also feature a specialty Para Coach Development Clinic facilitated by Tara Chisholm (head coach of women’s National Para Team). The session will focus on basic skills and the importance of having players develop confidence, self esteem, and a love for the game. Coaches will be given a tailored course for those working with Para programs, an introduction to player development, coaching tools to increase knowledge of the game and effectively communicate with athletes and parents, and support Para athletes in team, practice, and game settings.


Hockey Alberta’s Preferred Partners

Flip Give – Check out Flip Give, a free and easy-to-use cashback app for teams, designed to help sports families lower the cost to play by shopping for the things they’re already buying from over 700 top brands.


TeamGenius – Turn tryouts into a breeze this year with our partner, TeamGenius. They help volunteers ditch the paperwork and spreadsheets for a single in-app experience.


The Coaches Site – Set your coach up for success this season with a membership to The Coaches Site, where the game’s best coaches share their skills, drills, and tactics to the global coaching community.


Best Western – If you need a home away from home for games or tournaments this hockey season, visit Best Western for exclusive Hockey Alberta membership rates.


Traxx Coachlines – In need of safe transport this hockey season? Start with TRAXX Coachlines, a transportation and tour solutions company, providing first-class charter motor coach services throughout Western Canada.


Vereburn Medical Supply – Vereburn Medical Supply is the official medical kit supply company to Hockey Alberta and is offering all Hockey Alberta members with reduced pricing on medical kits and supplies.


MHA Minor Leagues Communication Pathway

Streamlining communication channels between Hockey Alberta, Minor Hockey Associations, and Leagues is a key element of the ongoing review of the Minor League structure for tiered Minor Hockey and Minor Female Hockey. With the collaboration of the Leagues, Hockey Alberta has developed an MHA Communication Season Pathway which highlights deadlines and key contacts for items such as Player and Team Registrations and Discipline and Sanctioning for the streamlined Alberta One regulations, policies, and procedures as well as those of the Regional Minor Leagues. It is intended to be a training tool for MHAs that can be provided to new and existing executive members.


Good luck in the 2022-23 hockey season!